Friday Readings
This is part of Friday Readings series: commented readings I find worth sharing. If you want more, follow me on Pocket.
Comparing problem-solving and problem-gardening developers as nomads vs. settlers. I disagree in a lot of points, but those behaviour patterns are worth thinking about.
Why MLs are better than Haskell because of modules from the perspective of functionaldom.
Algorithms are taking over our world and lives, quite literally. In Pakistan, we use machine learning to decide whom to kill, and I expect more of those to appear in the future. Big problem: nobody actually knows all the variables involved, and if you don't know which properties are measured, you can easily be misattributed based on similarity that looks like nonsense if you know broader context (that the algorithm doesn't have).
Leadership and Company Building
Good description on the difference between Manager, Director and VP in terms of expectations (not necessarily titles). Also good guidance in terms of "what to learn next".
On importance of integrations and implementations if you are a startup with enterprise customers. Can be also summed up as "get your hands dirty until you can afford not to".
If you are into how our mind works, 52 Concepts To Add To Your Cognitive Toolkit is a good summary / miniportal to look at. And related to that, some insight into our System 1 aggressive responses.
World around us
The Secret Life of Tumblr Teens gives a good insight into how certain groups use Internet. Some things have changed, some not; introverts and "teen outsiders" always prefer pseudonymous environment; everyone is looking for social validation; creating something worth attention of other people is starting to be part of your identity and if you decide to trade it for money, you may lose both.
Putting information in the hands of people can save lives quite literally. This is intriguing story of dedication, focus, effort and happy ending; story of how one mutation in combination with another produces dramatically different results in the body, the self-diagnostics and thorough research.
Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn fame apparently views most of the world as trade-offs, view that resonates with me a lot. His co-worker shares his notes about the ones he saw, and how Reid decided about them.
Waking Up to the Reality of Fascism isn't good reading because of Trump, but because it properly identifies the danger of fascism on more relatable events than century ago (warning: you have to filter out significant libertarian bias). In similar vain, on "how this was possible" I'd strongly recommend Milton Mayer's They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45.
Programmers are not dentists
Jeff Knupp wrote an insightful article about DevOps movement killing developers which I think neatly illustrates the tension between horizontal and vertical specialization.
Horizontal specialization tends to be default in many professions: you do one thing, and you do it well. You spend years building narrow expertise, and you are great at solving it. However, when crossing the boundary of your discipline (as in handing over your application to production), you need another (team of) specialized person.
Verticals are obvious opposites, although unlike the proverbial Jake, they are master of some of the skills chosen, leading to t-shirt shape.
What should you choose for your professional development and for your company?
The largest trade-off of horizontal specialization is self-sufficiency. You start to heavily depend on external orchestration. In the dentist example, it took me multiple rounds of visits between ENT and dentist to figure out where my problem is, because as the problem was on the boundary, each of them felt it should be handled by the other.
In software, your dependency is going to be someone with the project manager role (or obviously, if you choose to be the conductor, you'll depend on others to actually get anything done).
Those two together introduce a whole new dynamic, to be seen in larger companies:
Team size explosion
It's impossible to get small team, because obviously you need at least:
- Product Owner (you don't want to think about users, do you)
- Coder (who will get the design, produces CSS and tweaks)
- Frontend Developer (who will work with coder to get the responsive SPA done)
- Backend Developer (to write API for the frontend dev)
- DBA (to manage database in production)
- Documentation writer (everybody else is too expensive to write one, or not?)
- Ops guy (to actually run this thing)
- QA (to ensure everything works together)
- Project Manager (I mean, the team is 6 people already, they can't coordinate without adding 7th...)
Talking many languages
Given number of people involved, you need to obviously pay more attention to communication, which becomes a feat itself. This is usually handled by the Project Manager, but that also introduces SPOF and significant delays.
Because of that, it is easy to have diffusion of responsibility among the team, easily leading into "it's their problem" kind of mentality.
This is also caused by foggy visibility into the original stories. In this case, even a simplest user story ("I want to see a list of items") crosses five domains and requires four handover. "Handover" is a corporate codename for a game of Chinese whispers, because even if you have quality and up to date documentation and specification, details are often re-interpreted according to a person implementing it, leading to deviations.
Vertical trade-off
Idea of vertical specialization isn't for everyone to gasp the whole specializations, but that every member of the team should be able to work in every part of the stack. This is enabled by every member of the team to know at least basics of programming.
This is because we found a way how to automate, to certain extent, a lot of non-development work. For navigating the basic operations infrastructure, you can now use Cloud APIs. Avocode can give you what most coders did. Good testing pyramid saves a lot of QA work [1].
Danger with people wearing multiple hats is the potential to cut corners where they shouldn't. However, because they now can own the whole story and are responsible for results, they are also better positioned to know what the time/quality requirements and possible trade-offs are.
So far, those are options and choosing one depends on your environment and scale. There is, however, one more major issue why I think for web, vertical development teams are much better.
Learning and Architecture feedback loop
For SaaS environment, there is an inherent and very tight feedback loop between production environment and development of the code itself.
On the soft side: how are people actually using your software? What are the common scenarios? Are they fast, reliable and covered with tests? Do they work well in both mobile and app?
As you'll write software from "how is user using it" as opposed to "what technical things are enabling the usage", you can answer thousand tiny details that make the user experience much better.
On the hard side: what are your traffic patterns? Where are performance bottlenecks? In which dimensions are your scaling problems? Are you expanding geographically, where, and what are your speed and latency SLAs?
All of those change over time and affect your architecture significantly. I don't believe in any operations being able to have "software package" as a generic black-box unit and run it well; software must be well-designed and well-architectured to do so.
There is nothing that enables -- and even forces -- you to do that as much as being responsible for system behavior in production. Suddenly, designing proper indexes and making sure your app is using them is a much different beast. If you need to know what happens to software in production, you need to have well-designed logs and you pay much more attention to it when writing the code.
Yes, it means less time for writing actual code -- but much more information for doing it well.
The Dentist Analogy
If horizontal programmers are like dentists, it doesn't mean having dental assistant. It usually means having patient prepared in the chair (by PMs) with a diagram of tooth to fix (spec), just somehow fixing it (writing code) and then leaving for another patient. Either someone else will check whether it's actually fixed (QA) and send it back to you, or the patient will discover it (in production), but maintenance will be done by someone else anyway (Ops), so you are fine to go.
I don't think this makes pleasant experience in health care, and I want to avoid it in software as well.
[1] This isn't to say that knowing to program makes you automatically good at those. Things mentioned are both roles and disciplines; in order to do them well, you obviously need to learn at least the principles.
Friday Readings
This is part of Friday Readings series: commented readings I find worth sharing. If you want more, follow me on Pocket.
I don't work on hardware level, so Dan Luu's report on Intel CPU bugs in 2015 is surprising to me, and a bit scary.
While on Dan's blog I discovered because of that, Files are hard are very good as well. But honestly, just go and read most of it.
Leadership and company building
On Being Relentlessly Resourceful and how leading by example works. I can only echo this; I still see how culture in Apiary is still derived from founders and the initial team.
Linkedin's pitch to Greylock for their series B is not only an interesting resource for company states, but also an interesting revision of how Internet was like back in 2004, and which predictions worked and which not.
5 Scientific Suggestions Curbing an Employee's Sense of Entitlement provides suggestions on dealing with behavior that can make the group dynamics very toxic.
There is a turmoil in GitHub that also provides new context for previous CEO departure done in response to Julie Ann Horvath's story. Nevertheless, that's "news"; the interesting story is the dynamics of changing a lifestyle company into a VC-funded growth company.
Inspiration for hiring: We got 10 CEOs to tell us their one killer interview question for new hires. I usually walk with only one important question into interviews: "What do you want to do?".
Stop Complaining challenges you, but I find
Heisenberg developers: you can't observe developers without changing their behavior. Story about snowballing oversight and its effect on projects.
World around us
Fascinating story about how Columbian army warned hostages using popular song. I'd totally think it's made up and only a movie plot.
For the first time, we've produced and sustained hydrogen plasma. There is a lot more to harvest it as a source of energy, but after a very long while, it looks like at least some progress.
More pieces into puzzle of price discrimination; it's so widespread on the Internet that nobody notices or cares anymore, but it's interestingly gender-based in the real world:
Hackers paralyzed a hospital in Los Angeles and demand a reward for decrypting patients data. Given we currently don't have a good legal framework on who actually owns the data, it adds a lot of interesting facets to the story, i.e. who is responsible for backing it up. Sucks if you can't have them yourself.